Saturday, January 25, 2014

Know the chords - substitute chord? passing chord?

Getting bored of repeating Major and minor chords? Let's try to substitute the chords and add some colour and flavour by arrange in passing chord!!

Before you start, make sure:

  • you have some basic understanding about interval. For turorial about interval please visit here.
  • grab a guitar and play the chord, I want you to remember the "sound, texture and colour" of the chord instead of the dull theory

* I only show 1 chord for your example (but not showing all of the different position) so you can capture the colour and sound of the chord, so please do feel free to check othe material such as chord dictionary to find various combination and position of chords.

** The chords I listed here are mostly suitable for strumming, if you are more likely to play them in a plucking way, I will made another article discussing about the pattern and tips for plucking, which will comes more complicate because of walking melody. Anyway, you just have to get the idea of the structure of chord progression.

Are you ready?



Phase 1: the basics

There are only 2 common kind of chord we will see in our daily playing, amongst all these hassle, there are only 2 kind of "root" chord to be "process", which is the "Major" and the "minor" (ignore diminished and augmented).

I listed some of the most common chord progression in pop music, with only Major and minor chords:

在众多复杂的和弦中其实只有两大家族,就是大调和小调。也就是说,所有“被加工”的和弦都是以这两个大家族为根的。 我们再复习一下流行音乐较常出现的和弦进行:
  1. I - V - VIm - IIIm - IV - I - IV - V
  2. I - V - VIm - IIIm - IV - IIIm - IIm - V
  3. I - IV
  4. I - V
  5. VIm - IV - I - V
  6. I - IIIm - IV - V
  7. I - IIIm - IV - IVm
  8. IIm - IV - V - V
  9. VIm - IIIm - IV - V
  10. VIm - V - IIIm - IV
  11. IV - V - VIm
  12. IV - I - V - VIm
Why not add some colour and different feeling to the song to escape from the boredom of only Major and minor? Let's try to re-arrange the chords by replacing them with other chords!!


Phase 2: the substituted and passing chords

once you have already know the basics, I will list down some example for the "timing" of these chord to appear in a song.

  • substituted chord is an option for you to switch or change between the chord. It can be use alone.
  • passing chord work as a "bridge" between 2 chords to give colours and texture to the song. It must be place between two chord, to act as a "bridge", or under most of the circumstances it might seem awkward.

基本的概念有了,我在这里列出各别种类的和弦出现的“时机”。(显然,不会有一首歌从I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII都是大调或都是小调的吧?)
  • 替换和弦指的是该和弦能被替代的选择,是可以单独使用的。
  • 经过和弦就好像连接两个和弦的“桥梁”,能给单调重复的和弦加上一些色彩。经过和弦就必须放在两个和弦中间才能显出“桥梁”的作用,单独使用的话大多时候都很奇怪。

Major chord (1-3-5)

usually appear in 1, 4, 5, example in a C key song: C, F, G

minor chord (1-3b-5)

usually appear in 2m, 3m, 6m, example in a C key song: Dm, Em, Am

OK after we explain the Major and minor, let's see their variant:

dominant 7th chord (1-3-5-7b)

dominant 7th act as passing chord in 1 and 5 under these circumstances:
the dominant 7th in "1" will appear when the next part of the song start with 4, example in a C key song: substitute from C > F to C7 > F
the dominant 7th in "5" will appear in the end of a part and the next chord start with 1, example in a C key song: subtitute from G > C to G7 > C
not suitable for ending a song.

Major 7th chord (1-3-5-7)

oh indie music looooooves this chord, this chord usually can be substitute to 1 and 4 Major chord (not really work with 5 Major becos the 5 Major 7th will comes in a note outside the playing key). example in a C key song: Cmaj7, Fmaj7
* This chord comes in handy because it requires less left hand finger to press and sometime it deliver a rather subtle and emotional feel to the song. If you wish to just add it into a song without ruining the original energetic and lively feeling of the song, try add it into bridge, interlude or as the ending chord of the song.

minor 7th chord (1 - 3b - 5 - 7b)

minor chords can be substitute with minor 7th, the result didn't come too obvious, we don't even notice the difference most of the time. These replacement only add a bit of colour, to me, the more important reason to do this replacement is: IT IS EASIER TO PRESS.

Switching minor chord (1 - 3b - 5) to Major chord (1 - 3 - 5)

Actually this works like you've "sharpen" the minor chord, it deliver some sort of "unique and changing" feeling. It kinda work most of the time if you wish to season your minor chords a bit.Works in the 6m and 3m.

Going from Major (1 - 3 - 5) to minor (1 - 3b - 5)

This is not a substituted option, it is a pattern and work as passing chord. Sometime I apply it when the 4 Major chord run more than one bar.

Substitution between IV and iim

The IV Major chord can be substitute with ii minor chord, this will come in handy during fingerstyle arrangement when either one of the chord comes in very difficult fingering. You will find them deliver slightly different feeling but doesn't affect the flow of the song!!


Suspended (1 - 2 or 9 - 5) / (1 - 4 or 11 - 5) & add9 (1 - 3 - 5 - 9) chord

Most of the suspended and add9 chord sounds neutral, which mean it doesn't have very strong Major nor minor expression, so it can be substitute with both Major and minor chord. Of course there must be some theory rules but do experiment yourself with these!! You might come our with some very unique of your own combination of chords!!

ex: try to change A Major or A minor into Asus2, and find if it sounds weird, or probably better!!

I also listed some 5th Chord (Chord doesn't have iiim or III to express Major or minor) and some chord in different fingering which deliver harmonic melody:


Due to different scales applied to different playing key, I didn't list these chords in proper playing key order. To understand the pros and cons of different playing key, please stay tuned for my upcoming article!!


Hope in the end of this article, you will be able to:
  • Understand these weird-fancy-dodgy chord name are nothing but substituted chord, which mean if you don't understand that chord, just play it with normal Major or minor chord!! (ignore any fancy stuff after the Major or minor)
  • Improvise with substituted Chord
  • Find out more interesting chord progression!!!
  • 当面对那些看似复杂的和弦时,你能够了解其实他们都是以大调或小调和弦为基建构出来的。
  • 能够即兴的替换和弦。
  • 编配出各种各样的和弦进行!!

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