Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kotaro Oshio - 雨上がり

Kotaro Oshio - 雨上がり(standard tuning ver)key: E♭ , capo 3 / capo 1 + Dropped D partial capo 3 on 1~5 string play as C key

Guitar: Washburn WD-42S
String: Gibson Masterbuilt Premium Light (012~053)

A song composed by Kotaro Oshio and featured in his latest album Hand to Hand. Like this song so much, but couldn't find the original score at all, try to arrange i myself.

I play this with a 5 string partial capo which the 6 string will be D, you can just play with capo 3 and play the 4th string as D.

for DIY a partial capo see here

这首曲子一听就爱上了!!!!但苦苦寻觅不到原谱(alternate tuning: E♭B♭E♭A♭B♭E♭),自己爬了个标准调弦的。这里用了一个五弦的Dropped D partial capo,好让Dm7这个和弦能够得到更低的bass。选用partial capo的话,Em这个和弦就会变得比较难按,在这首曲子选用partial capo是因为频繁出现的Dm7和弦。


切音的部分用attack mute来弹奏会更有节奏感哦!!!喜欢这首曲子里使用到的Gaugmented(321003 Gaug / G+)和弦,在C key里尝试加入这个和弦有不一样的效果哦!!可当做G之后的G7来用。

Attack Mute:弯曲右手中指与无名指,然后用指甲敲打2、3弦。与一般切音不同的是,此种切音法能够保持着bass。
T.H.:Tapping Harmonic,用右手食指与指板呈90°的方式打在有泛音的品格之上。
A.H.:Artificial Harmonic,左手按弦的同时,右手用食指点在泛音格上同时用无名指(或食指)勾弦。

E♭ key,capo 3 / capo 1 + 5 string partial capo 3 on 1~5 string, play 6 string as bass of chord Dm7

Saturday, February 18, 2012

How to read Guitar Tablature

Sight-reading of guitar tablature is extremely easy, unlike standard notation, the tablature straight away tells you which fretboard to press and which string to play. The disadvantage of only learning guitar tablature is one will become a theory dummy even after so many years playing guitar, but anyway, learning guitar tablature is a must to learn playing guitar. We try to play all the songs, then later we will look into the theory.

Let's start:
Guitar tablature is also called as "6 string score", as it already have 6 lines, and each line represent every string of the guitar, the first line represent the first string, second line represent the second sting, and so the following.

So when you see a "2" on the third line of the guitar tablature, it means that you will have to play the second fret of the third string of the guitar.

Understand a guitar tablature is so easy isn't it?

The notes of left hand and right hand finger

In the very beginning of learning a guitar, you'll have to know how they note the different finger on the standard notation or tablature, here's how it is:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Makala MK-T unboxing

All of my friends are addicted to ukulele recently, so am I.....

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jake Shimabukuro - Let's Dance

A very rhythmic song with lot's of Flamengo style Rasquedo, enjoy the beat!!