Guitar: Washburn WD-42S
String: Gibson Masterbuilt Premium Light (012~053)
A song composed by Kotaro Oshio and featured in his latest album Hand to Hand. Like this song so much, but couldn't find the original score at all, try to arrange i myself.
I play this with a 5 string partial capo which the 6 string will be D, you can just play with capo 3 and play the 4th string as D.
for DIY a partial capo see here
这首曲子一听就爱上了!!!!但苦苦寻觅不到原谱(alternate tuning: E♭B♭E♭A♭B♭E♭),自己爬了个标准调弦的。这里用了一个五弦的Dropped D partial capo,好让Dm7这个和弦能够得到更低的bass。选用partial capo的话,Em这个和弦就会变得比较难按,在这首曲子选用partial capo是因为频繁出现的Dm7和弦。
切音的部分用attack mute来弹奏会更有节奏感哦!!!喜欢这首曲子里使用到的Gaugmented(321003 Gaug / G+)和弦,在C key里尝试加入这个和弦有不一样的效果哦!!可当做G之后的G7来用。
Attack Mute:弯曲右手中指与无名指,然后用指甲敲打2、3弦。与一般切音不同的是,此种切音法能够保持着bass。
T.H.:Tapping Harmonic,用右手食指与指板呈90°的方式打在有泛音的品格之上。
A.H.:Artificial Harmonic,左手按弦的同时,右手用食指点在泛音格上同时用无名指(或食指)勾弦。
E♭ key,capo 3 / capo 1 + 5 string partial capo 3 on 1~5 string, play 6 string as bass of chord Dm7